Real Estate Professionals specialized in driving sustainability in the built environment, for a healthy future

Why choose us?

Deep understanding of Dutch CRE market and Smart Buildings

Movides has been active in Commercial Real Estate (CRE) for more than 20 years. We are well acquainted with Dutch local customs and are part of a large network of professionals, in which all stakeholders in the extensive and complex CRE landscape are represented.

Who we are?

Independent, sharp, creative, reliable, gets things moving

Movides acts as an expert partner for you and your team to market your innovative technology, to bringing it to life, independently and self starting but closely working with you to make it a success. 

Our expertise

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

“Probably the best Business Developer in the Real Estate World”


Drive growth and profitability by identifying, nurturing and acquiring new customers and business opportunities. Establish strategic partnerships and add long-term value to your business

Business development

Sales consulting

Account manegement

Accelerating Sustainability through Technology

Drive growth and profitability by identifying, nurturing and acquiring new customers and business opportunities. Establish strategic partnerships and add long-term value to your business

Independent, sharp, creative, reliable, gets things moving

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